Sometimes matters arise which cannot be handled conveniently in the context of Board meetings – for example, larger development projects requiring extended discussion with developers, City staff, the local business community and adjacent neighborhoods. 

In these cases, the NIEBNA Board creates an ad hoc Task Group to handle the matter. While it will be chaired by a NIEBNA Board member, Task Group members will include Board members, members of the NIEBNA community at large, representatives from adjacent neighborhoods and local businesses, City staff (ex officio), and others. 

The Task Group meets with developers, City staff and members of the community as needed to handle the matter. While there is no set schedule for a Task Group, usually there will be multiple meetings over a 4 to 6 month period with the schedule determined by the pace at which the project evolves.

In the end, the Task Group will make a recommendation for action to the NIEBNA Board and the boards of the other participating organizations. The Task Group is then disbanded.

Information on Currently active Task Groups can be found here.

Disbanded Task Group information can be found in the archives here.