The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) makes the city’s residential areas better places to live, work, learn and play. NRP is an investment program based on truly empowering residents by bringing them into the priority-setting process of the city. It is based on the belief that the empowerment of residents and the mobilization of untapped resources, energy and creativity can make our collective desire for a better future a reality.

Phase 1 city information can be found here. Phase 2 is being managed by the City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations department (link).

Creation of the Task Group

On January 28, 2016 at its regular board meeting NIEBNA created the NRP Phase 2 Task Group and appointed Lisa Hondros as the chair. Other members of the board include Barry Clegg, Craig Beddow, Katie Greene, Keri Kranz and Victor Grambsch.

Draft NRP Plan

NIEBNA members at the General Membership Meeting will also be asked to approve an NRP (Neighborhood Revitalization Program) Phase II Plan allocating city funds for neighborhood priorities. The draft plan is available for review here. After NIEBNA approval, the plan will go to the City Council for final review and approval.

To submit comments to the Task Group chair use this link.


The Task Group has created a poll to help determine what matters most to stakeholders in the neighborhood. The goal is to use this survey to help guide allocation of funds NIEBNA receives from the City of Minneapolis for projects to improve the neighborhood.

We’re asking all residents to return or respond to this survey by Friday, September 2, 2016.

The survey is located here.


August 31, 2016 Agenda

Documents for August 31 meeting

Draft NRP Phase II Action Plan 08.29.16

Renters Responses

Owners Responses

Question 5 Priorities

Question 6 More Ideas

July 20, 2016 Agenda

June 16, 2016 Agenda

Initial Survey Results (before deadline extension)

NIEBNA Survey Summary Data

NIEBNA Survey Raw Data

NIEBNA Survey Really Raw Data

NRP Survey Comments

June 2, 2016 Agenda (Draft)

Documents for June 2 meeting:

NRP Phase 1 Plan Summary 1997

East Isles Plan

Sample surveys:

West Calhoun Neighborhood Priority Survey

Kenwood Priority Survey

East Isles Phase II NRP Survey

Tangletown Neighborhood Survey