
In November 2014 the Jacobs family, owners of Nye’s, announced that the restaurant, which has operated in the neighborhood since the 1950s, would be closing in the relatively near future. Further, they have partnered with Shafer Richardson (SR), a well known development firm with many successful developments in the City (including the Red20 Apartments) in the neighborhood, to redevelop the site.  


Task groups have been used successfully by NIEBNA to handle neighborhood input and review regarding major developments in the area. Past Task Groups include the Lupient Site Task Group (2005), the Eastgate Task Group (2007), and multiple Superior Plating Site Task Groups (2005 - 2015). We have found the task group approach to be efficient and effective for all parties involved and has enabled us to involve  a wide range of stakeholders in the process.

The Nye’s Task Group (NTG) was called into existence by the NIEBNA Board at its November/December 2014 meeting to consult with Shafer Richardson on possible new development designs. The NTG is chaired by NIEBNA Vice President Barry Clegg; NTG members include NIEBNA Board members, interested residents, representatives of Lourdes Church and other stakeholders. Current NTG members are shown here.


The Nye’s Task Group (NTG) has completed its work and made its recommendations to the NIEBNA board for action.

February 10, 2015 meeting

NTG 2015-02-10 Meeting Agenda

2015-09-10 NTG Attendee List

NTG Resolution (1)

NTG SR Design 2015-02-10

The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm by Chair Clegg. After some preliminary organizational matters, Schafer Richardson (SR) Project Manager Maureen Michalski along with Aaron Roseth and other team members from ESG Architects discussed the design revisions to respond to comments and suggestions made at  the January 22 meeting, new geotechnical data and their own further thoughts on the project. While the overall design and building massing was not changed significantly, the revised design improved the streetscape and appearance of the lower levels of the building. The biggest change was that, due to the most recent geotechnical data regarding bedrock location, parking has to be reallocated between below and above grade locations and the podium slightly increased in height.

A question and answer session followed allowing Task Force members and other attendees to inquire about specific items in the design. Then there was a public comment period at which anyone could make their views known. A representative from Lourdes Church led off  and discussed at length the Church’s position in strong opposition the project. Two Task Force members voiced concerns regarding heritage preservation issues, regarding both the specific treatment of the two old buildings on the site and the overall design, especially the scale and massing of the building. Other attendees also presented their views on the project; generally, these views were favorable toward the design. After the public comment period was closed, the Task Group considered its options.

After some discussion, on a motion moved by Kevin Upton and seconded by Betty Folliard, both NTG members, a resolution recommending that the full NIEBNA Board support of the design as presented at the meeting was passed by a vote of 7 for 2 against.

This resolution concludes the work of the Nye’s Task Group (NTG) unless, per language in the resolution, there is a material change in the design. It is understood that the NIEBNA Board will closely follow the project as it works it way through the City process and will reconvene the NTG if that action is warranted.

January 22, 2015 meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm by Chair Clegg. After some preliminary organizational matters and remarks by NIEBNA President Victor Grambsch and Chair Clegg, SR Project Manager Maureen Michalski along with Aaron Roseth and other team members from ESG Architects discussed the preliminary design for a possible major new development on the site.

NTG 2015-01-22 Meeting Agenda

NTG 2015-01-22 Attendance

Highlights of the proposed design were:

  • keeping the two historic buildings, albeit by moving the 3-story Harness Shop building so that it abuts the 2-story corner building
  • podium (6 stories) and point tower (29 stories overall) design of modern appearance and materials.
  • parking partly below grade (2 levels  - entrance off 2nd St SE) and partly in the podium (4 levels - entrance off Lourdes Place)
  • approximately 8,000 SqFt of ground level retail space facing East Hennepin and 176 upscale market rate rental apartments in the tower. Main residential entrance off 2nd St SE.

The discussion was general in nature and the NTG took no specific decisions at the meeting.